About the Friends of the Planetarium Founded in 2010 to save the Planetarium from closure, Friends of Arlington's David M. Brown Planetarium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that continues to raise funds to expand the use of the Planetarium, and to support Arlington Public Schools in providing enhanced science education in Arlington County. The group also promotes public science education for all members of the local community, centered on programming at or related to the planetarium. The organization's funding comes primarily from membership dues, donations, and ticket fees from public events. FOAP currently has an agreement with Arlington Public Schools to offer programming at the planetarium one weekend per month during the regular academic year. This programming typically consists of full-dome planetarium shows, talks, and special activities. The Friends of Arlington's Planetarium has an all-volunteer Board of Directors and Advisory Council. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arlington Public Schools (APS) While FOAP is an avid supporter of public programming and community uses of the planetarium, the organization is only involved in planetarium events listed as being hosted by FOAP. The Arlington Public School system (APS) operates the David M. Brown Planetarium. On weekdays, the planetarium is reserved for school programs for APS students. Inquiries regarding any other use of the planetarium should be directed to the Arlington Public Schools Planetarium Specialist. If you have questions about using the planetarium, please visit the APS web page for the planetarium at https://www.apsva.us/planetarium/ or leave a message for the Planetarium Specialist at 703-228-6070. |