The Lives of the Stars Followed by Free Apple Pie

Nov. 23, 2014, 1:30 p.m.

Screening of Cosmos episode The Lives of the Stars followed by apple pie outside the planetarium
Credit: Cosmos Studios.

“To make an apple pie, you must first create a universe.” Join Carl Sagan as he explains how the cosmos extends from the realm of distant stars to the tiniest atoms. This afternoon’s classic Cosmos episode famously explains how we are all “star stuff” amidst the billions of galaxies in the universe. After the show, you can enjoy a slice of that universe, in the form of a piece of apple pie!

Target Audience: 10 through adult.

Running Time: 1.5 hours (all activities).

For more information, see NOVEMBER 2014 FRIENDS OF THE PLANETARIUM PROGRAMMING - A Tribute to Cosmos

Doors open: 1 p.m. Show begins: 1:30 p.m.

Our capacity is 58 seats. We set aside 20 seats to accommodate those who arrive without a reservation, so if the show is sold out you can still try to attend by arriving close to 1 p.m. However, although we will do whatever we can to seat all comers, there is no guarantee of admission without a reservation.