Saturday Science Lecture: Dr. Steve Davis, SpaceX

June 14, 2014, 7:30 p.m.

Dr. Steve Davis, SpaceX Director of Advanced Projects. Credit: http:­//www.­acceleprise.­vc/­portfolio/­dr-steve-­davis-­spacex/.

Saturday Science Lecture: Dr. Steve Davis, SpaceX:

“History of SpaceX and Current Projects.” — , Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other planets. Come hear rocket scientist and Director of Advanced Projects at SpaceX Dr. Steve Davis talk about the story of this innovative and history-making company. There will be no recording of the event, no live-streaming of the talk, and no media present at the event per SpaceX policy.

Running Time: 60 minutes (will include Q&A).

For more information, see JUNE 2014 FRIENDS OF THE PLANETARIUM PROGRAMMING: June 13-15, 2014

Doors open: 7 p.m. Show begins: 7:30 p.m.

Our capacity is 58 seats. We set aside 20 seats to accommodate those who arrive without a reservation, so if the show is sold out you can still try to attend by arriving close to 7 p.m. However, although we will do whatever we can to seat all comers, there is no guarantee of admission without a reservation.