Accidental Astronauts

Oct. 22, 2017, 3 p.m.

Follow the adventures of Cy and Annie and their dog Armstrong as they embark on an unexpected journey into space! Explore the Earth, Sun and Moon system with a wisecracking starship computer. Bounce along with them on the surface of the Moon. Get up close and personal with a solar storm. And gain a new appreciation of our home planet.

Full-dome show.

Program duration: 35 min; suitable for all ages.

For more information, see Immense Telescopes that Sail the Night Above

Doors open: 2:30 p.m. Show begins: 3 p.m.

Our capacity is 58 seats. We set aside 20 seats to accommodate those who arrive without a reservation, so if the show is sold out you can still try to attend by arriving close to 2:30 p.m. However, although we will do whatever we can to seat all comers, there is no guarantee of admission without a reservation.