Upload Your 2017 Eclipse Image

Do you have pictures of your August, 2017 eclipse experience that you want to share? We’re putting together a slide show of eclipse related pictures to display in the Planetarium. Send us your best images for the show! Feel free to include notes about the images and your experience that we can share with our audience. Visit this page more than once to upload as many images as you like.

We suggest uploading images at least 800 × 600 px in size.

By pressing the “Upload” button, I grant the Friends of the Planetarium nonexclusive rights to show and display the uploaded image within the Arlington Planetarium at any dates and times of their choosing. I understand that the image may be cropped or otherwise modified for purposes of display. I affirm that I own the copyright to the uploaded image, either because I am its author or because I have legally acquired the copyright, or that I have been delegated the authority to grant this license by the copyright holder.